Participant FAQ

How do I update my address?

Updated on

Terminated Employee

Terminated employees will need to reach out to their Plan Sponsor. For security of your account, your Plan Sponsor will need to be the party that notifies us of a change to your address.

Active Employee

For current employees, update your name in your company’s payroll system. The change should then be made in our database upon receipt of the next round of payroll data. If you do not see the change reflected after several payrolls have passed, give us a call at 800-406-4015 and we can look into this for you.

You may also update your address within your account on the Alliance-Plan website, however if you have not updated your address in your payroll system, the next payroll run will override any changes you have made and will re-import your old address.  

To update your address on Alliance-Plan, log in and navigate to the settings icon at the top right of the page. Select “Personal Info”. Click the arrow to expand the “General” section and update your address there.

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